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PRICING: $2225 Limited only


CKC/AKC MALE or FEMALE SHIH TZU                       


We require a $300 non-refundable deposit to reserve your position and will be applied to total Purchase. We are located in Danbury, CT and recommend and accept Cash, Zelle, Cashapp, and Venmo for deposit. Should you prefer to mail your deposit you may use Priority Mail with delivery confirmation tracking, which allows us to hold your pup while your deposit is on its way. We cannot "hold" a position without a deposit. Please text or call us with tracking number (delivery confirmation) on the day of your initial payment, so we can hold your position. USPS online and Postal Office both have the option to add delivery confirmation. Please do not choose signature confirmation as it may arrive when we are not home.


We DO NOT Accept Checks/Cashier’s Checks due to Scammers Use of them


PURCHASE ARRANGEMENTS: Call or text for puppy availability at 914-707-2097. If you decide to send your deposit via mail, you have 7 business days for us to receive your non-refundable deposit of $300. We cannot hold your position unless you send your payment Priority mail with tracking. If not received, we have option to offer position for pup to another. If we have the Pup available (already born) you desire: 1/2 the total purchase amount is due to hold your desired pup until pick up and applied to the total. Those placing early deposits for a position are required to place 1/2 down within 7 days of the birth and our confirmation that we have the pup. The final Balance is due on puppy pickup day and can be in the form of Cash, Zelle, Cashapp, or Venmo.


Please Read, Print, and sign, then send with agreed partial deposit to be applied to purchase price. Before Pups are born, to reserve a Puppy, your $300 deposit should be sent with this agreement. It is applicable toward an available pup upon agreement in another of our litters (if your desired pup is not produced as planned}. Your deposit is refundable providing you don’t change your mind. That means if we don’t produce, you don’t pay. Providing we produce your pup, 1/2 of total balance is due within one week of birth of litter to further "hold" your pup. If 1/2 payment is not received, you forfeit your early partial deposit that held your position, and we reserve the right to sell to another interested family with 1/2 down. That early $300 deposit is only a partial deposit that does not reserve your puppy past the 7th day of puppy's life. *Final balance is due in cash at puppy pick up. We give a 2 day grace period after 8 weeks for pick up without additional boarding fees.


The below Purchase Agreement should be printed and mailed/emailed at the time of you sending your $300 deposit.


PURCHASE AGREEMENT: Between Seller and Buyer:


PURCHASE AGREEMENT One Year Health Guarantee___________________ All dogs bred and sold by Organic Shih Tzus puppies are represented and evaluated as accurately as possible at the time of sale. If your dog, during the first year of age, is found to have a congenital defect, return him or her to us (at buyer’s expense) with the registration papers and a written explanation from a licensed veterinarian, and he or she will be replaced with a comparable puppy of the same sex at no charge with the next available puppy in future litter. Any veterinarian bills incurred to diagnose or repair a problem will be the responsibility of the buyer unless arrangements have been made or approved prior to treatment. The monetary value of this guarantee is equal to the purchase price of the dog. All dogs bred and sold by Organic Shih Tzus Puppies are accompanied by an accurate and up to date medical history. However, on puppies whose age at the date of sale precludes completion of the scheduled series of inoculations, it is necessary for the purchaser to complete the scheduled series of inoculations on time, to protect the puppy and for this health guarantee to remain valid. A timetable for the inoculations will be supplied on the medical history of the puppy and we recommend you follow your Veterinarians Puppy vaccination Schedule. In addition, until this series of inoculations has been completed (about 16 weeks of age) the puppy should not be exposed to premises known to be or suspected of being contaminated by unhealthy animals. This health guarantee is valid to the original owner or owners. This health guarantee is void if puppy is resold and/or given away. The welfare of our puppies and the satisfaction of our clients are our prime consideration to us. Every effort will be made by Organic Shih Tzus to assure the puppy/dog you have chosen will be in excellent health at the time of purchase. Our commitment and guarantee to you is that we will not knowingly sell a puppy/dog without disclosing any known health related conditions. All animals on site will be current on all their vaccinations and have received the necessary treatments for any suspected internal or external parasites. In addition, your Puppy will have a complete Exam and follow up fecal exam by our Veterinary. A signed letter of Puppy’s health just prior to sale will be provided to each Buyer. We strongly recommend a Health Checkup be performed on any newly purchased puppy/dog. We strongly suggest all purchasers take their new puppy/dog to a licensed veterinarian to implement an effective health management program with their veterinarian and/or continue with the program started by our kennels. To keep the guarantee offered to you by Organic Shih Tzus valid, we must insist an initial visit to a licensed veterinarian be completed within 72 hours of receiving your puppy/dog. During the initial exam should your veterinarian find the puppy/dog to be at a health risk or detect any physical health problems that would require further veterinarian services, we must be notified within 36 hours of the visit. Conditions or treatments excluded from the guarantee and above-mentioned requirements shall include, but not be limited to, vaccinations and/or treatments for any type of internal or external parasites or bacterial conditions. The sales guarantee does not include, cost reimbursement by Organic Shih Tzu’s for the above-mentioned conditions or for any costs incurred by the purchaser for veterinarian’s procedures or services performed. Fees charged for the initial examination, and any other procedures the veterinarian performs, or deems necessary to perform, are also not refundable and are the purchaser’s responsibility and considered part of Puppy care by the new owners. In accordance with the above-mentioned terms and conditions, we also guarantee the puppy/dog for seventy-two hours of receipt to be free of Parvo, Canine Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, and Para influenza. In the event your puppy/dog should be diagnosed with these conditions within the guarantee period, we must be notified within 36 hours of the diagnosis. The puppy and all related paperwork must be returned to the seller accompanied by a legibly written and signed veterinarian report, outlining the complete medical history since the purchase. In addition, all laboratory records used to determine the diagnosis should also be furnished to Organic Shih Tzus.  Any diagnosis in question is subject to confirmation by a Veterinarian chosen by the seller. Should the seller’s Veterinarian not concur with the previous diagnosis, the matter may be presented to a third Veterinarian mutually agreed upon by the purchaser and seller. All costs for the third examination shall be the responsibility of the purchaser. Upon verification, the seller will offer at purchasers’ option, a comparable puppy/dog as a replacement, or refund the purchase price to the Buyer. The Buyer agrees to take all measures necessary to assure the future health and wellbeing of the purchased puppy/dog. The buyer further agrees to maintain an effective vaccination program including routine follow-up examinations by a licensed Veterinarian. Puppy is not to be taken to Pet parks, Petco, PetSmart or other places where unknown Dogs frequent before 10 days after final Puppy vaccinations, as recommended by our Veterinarian. If buyer is unable to properly care for said dog for any reason, the breeder will be contacted with the option that the breeder will take the dog back with no consequence nor refund to the buyer. The breeder will then take back over full responsibility of said dog. Temperament Guarantee: Since there is a high degree of uncertainty in the future temperament of a puppy/dog it is not possible for us to offer our clients a guarantee on these traits in our dogs. Though we feel our puppies/dogs are unlikely to exhibit these traits it is up to the purchaser to select individuals whom they feel are best suited toward their desired needs and training techniques.


RETURN OF PUPPY: If for any reason, you change your mind about completing purchase of puppy that is here or can no longer care for the puppy/dog you received all money paid is forfeited, Organic Shih Tzus is to be given notice to have the puppy returned to them at no cost to them. $300 reserves your Pick position. The deposit is only non-refundable if YOU change your mind about getting a puppy produced here. If we don't produce you may have a complete refund or transfer your deposit to another available pup in any of our current or future litters. This partial deposit applies toward your total. We accept partial deposits in advance. The choices from the litter or "picks"​take place between 3-4 weeks in the order of deposit received. Three to four weeks is usually the time you can see more about a puppy. Some puppies in our pairings tend to fade, while others fade less. We cannot guarantee if fur is going to fade or stay very dark (non-fading) in case there is a preference of either the dark chocolate or milk chocolate Liver Pup. All Shih Tzu puppies’ fur changes some from puppyhood to adulthood. We will inform you to the best of our ability what a litter does as a result from a breeding as well as past photos sent in by our buyers which shows fur color at different ages. Liver refers to the brown pigment of our puppies.

When we confirm your Puppy Birth, 1/2 down is due within first week of birthday to hold your pup per our agreement. Final Payment is due in cash only at puppy pick up in person. Please update us of any change to your contact information. If no update and we find your contact information no longer valid, you forfeit your deposit. We reserve the right to remove you from any position within 48 hrs. of first attempts to contact and further fill that position with a valid buyer if your phone and email no longer work. We will make every attempt to reach you, but with people waiting, we cannot hold a puppy indefinitely without communication or sufficient deposit.



Please Sign if you agree to our terms.


Buyer‘s Signature___________________

Seller‘s Signature___________________


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